共為你找到:66筆human capital 相關企業資訊
Elite Human Capital (EHC) specializes in helping multinational and domestic companies recruit top-flight executive talent. Our philosophy is simple: to recruit exceptional individuals who meet the unique needs of each client. Our goal is to provide our clients not only an adequate candidate, but rather an ideal one. Identifying the right talent, however, is no simple task; it requires expertise and experience. The key to our executive search and placement success is twofold: First, our recruiting process utilizes a wide variety of personal and professional resources. Next, our consultants possess more than two decades of hands-on experience in high-tech industries, as well as themselves having had experience in high-level executive positions in high-tech companies. Every aspect of the search, from the initial meetings with the candidates, through the in-depth interviews, screenings, and final selection is managed by one of these senior consultants. We work very closely with our clients and are committed to offering more than simple recruiting services. Our comprehensive range of services assures that highly qualified candidates, possessing the personality and philosophy which are vital in making appropriate decisions, are identified to meet the particular requirements of each client. Furthermore, all inquiries are handled with the utmost professionalism and discretion. It is through the formation of a close working relationship, the extension of resources, a concentration on compatibility, and the employment of experience and expertise that we provide the highest quality service.
Citi Venture Capital main business scope of the fund equity investment fund distribution and management, equity acquisitions. In the energy and environmental protection, sports industry, financial services, transportation logistics and related industries, healthcare, retail and FMCG, real estate, construction, machinery manufacturing, new chemical materials, textile clothing, household appliances it, mineral metallurgy, agriculture and public utilities professional investment team 13 fields have long-term research, and investment tracking. Citi Venture Capital after the fund has a professional team of investment services, has a professional team, including senior financial experts Fund program designers, mergers and acquisitions investment management division, asset management planners, business management experts, legal advisers and other professional team. In order to be able to in a broader range of services to more customers. Meanwhile, Citi Venture Capital Inc. actively introduce cooperation agencies, including banks, trust companies, security companies, wealth management companies and other financial institutions, also including accounting firms, law firms, companies and other third-party asset evaluation agencies; Citi Venture Capital to encourage domestic and foreign equity investment bank added in the form of direct investment, provide vast resources and financial support to fund the equity issue, the effort to build a comprehensive asset management institutions. Citi Venture Capital Inc. convergence fund investment philosophy of Taiwan wisdom and Europe will be able to make our wealth and increase the value. Only wealth preservation and appreciation to be able to permanently benefit of mankind. Therefore, talent is our fundamental, is our core competence and core competitive advantage is the preservation and appreciation of the fundamental, but also the root of this legislation we Citi Venture Capital. Citi Venture Capital has a huge fund of experience in human resources and investment services for many years, providing customers with diversified services. To provide investors with a high quality investment information services. We have excellent management team, a sound service system. The research team from several well-known practitioners of the composition of investment institutions, has a wealth of investment experience, able to accurately grasp the current market dynamics and provide customers with the latest accurate investment goods. With a wealth of experience in domestic and foreign investment, strong market analysis capabilities, a unique operational thinking, ahead of the vision, the international advanced mode of investment goods with domestic investment goods, leaving the development of customer acceptance of the equity investment in commodities on the development path of Taiwan equity investment industry has taken an important step forward.
一、公司簡介 公司自民國79年成立,期初以研發為主,至85年起配合電力公司及電信局監控業務, 蓬勃發展至今擴充為人員100人以上之公司。 Controlnet was built up in May, 1990 and registered in Taiwan area with a registered capital at NT$80,000,000 in 2002. There are more than 90 employees in Taiwan and 100 in the mainland. Controlnet is one of the leader companies in China in the field of professional SCADA application. It is successful to accomplish monitoring and control management systems to save cost and ensure safety and administration for many industries and buildings. It did save the human, material power resources for power company and telecommunication companies. In those projects, they recovered their investment cost within two years. Those were: - Monitoring Control in thousand for Telecom Base of Power Equipments with hierarchical structure in wide area; - Power SCADA Systems for High Voltage/Super High Voltage Stations in Taiwan Power Company; - Automatic Monitoring Control System for Manufacture Processes; - Sewage plant disposal Process control Monitoring; - Elevator/Lift control system; - Remote Video Surveillance System for Safety in MPEG-4.
群益金融集團係1988年由董事長陳田文先生設立群益證 券股份有限公司,為推動證券國際化業務需要,陸續籌組 而成的證券金融事業體系,各項業務隨著市場成長而迅速 擴充,並於香港、上海等金融中心設立分支機構,朝向亞 太地區大型投資銀行之目標邁進。 我們以「提供超越客戶期望之高附加價值的金融服 務,成為客戶長期成長伙伴」為集團發展願景,同時以 「Capital Care」—群益關心您,來期許所有員工能從關 心客戶的感受做起,「用心」傾聽客戶心聲、「用心」 服務客戶需求。「Care」代表群益對客戶,以及企業伙 伴,無微不至的關懷與服務。 集團總部設立於最具發展為台灣金融中心潛力的 台北信義計畫區,更代表群益金融集團對於資本市場發展 雄厚旺盛的企圖心。 歷年來群益證券榮獲亞洲財務月刊(FinanceAsia)、 歐元月刊(Euromoney)、亞洲貨幣月刊(Asiamoney) 等國際知名財經雜誌評選為台灣地區最佳證券公司的殊榮不勝枚舉, 堪稱為台灣地區證券公司翹楚之一。
唯客樂旅館集團創建28年以來,已有5間中型旅館,每間旅館經營均秉持唯有讓顧客帶著滿意離開才是好的服務理念,持續不段提供符合消費者需求的產品,口碑相傳。第6間旅館將於98年6月以【台北首都大飯店Capital Hotel Taipei】正式跨入國際觀光旅館的行列,位於建國北路二段7號。以歐洲城堡及石雕風貌,呈現內斂而樸實的企業文化,提供國際觀光旅客體會精緻台灣情的最佳選擇。台北首都大飯店誠摯邀請樂於創造讓人難忘顧客經驗的夥伴加入,共同締造唯客樂集團和您的一片天空。
三商企業為了迎接二十一世紀「金融服務業時代」的來臨,遂結合多家國內知名企業,在民國 82年7月26日成立三商人壽 。三商人壽本土經營八年有成之後,為順應台灣加入 WTO 的國際化潮流,考慮外資的挹注有助於市場的業務拓展,在90年初選擇具有150年歷史,擁有多元化金融服務經驗的美商 MassMutual 金融集團進行策略結盟,並正式更名為 〝三商美邦人壽 〞,希望在完成本土紮根的階段性目標後,向國際市場挺進。 血統證明 三商行創立於民國五十三年,以出口手工藝品起家,民國五十四年改組成為三商行股份有限公司, 民國五十九年即成為台灣三大貿易商之一,民國六十四年開始經營郵購業,民國六十五年,三商百貨成立,民國六十六年, 三商電腦 ( 原名三商匯茂 ) 成立,為三商企業邁向多角化複合業種經營奠下穩固基礎 。迄今多角化複合經營開花結果,集團成員包括:民生餐飲事業~三商巧福、拿坡里披薩、福勝亭、Dunkin’Donuts;流行百貨事業~三商百貨;家具裝潢事業~三商美福;鞋品連鎖事業~全家福鞋業、EnRoute;零售通路事業~三商福寶、三商食品、美廉社;金融服務事業~復華投信、宏遠證券;科技生化事業~三商電腦、旭富製藥;休閒育樂事業~三商多媒體;社會公益事業~中華飲食文化基金會、台灣名人賽暨三商盃高爾夫邀請賽,不但發揮企業經營綜效,也為社會大眾提供多樣化綿密服務。 策略結盟夥伴 MassMutual金融集團成立於1851年,擁有豐富的風險及財富管理經驗,集團成員包括:全美10大相互基金公司之一的Oppenheimer Funds與國際享負盛名的霸菱資產管理公司 Baring Asset Management,另包括Babson Capital Management等高知名度的金融機構。旗下Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance於2009年美國Fortune雜誌評鑑中,位居全美500大企業排名第135名;根據2009年11月2日最新國際信評機構資料,亦獲得惠譽Fitch:AAA、穆迪Moody’s:Aa2、標準普爾S & P:AA+、貝氏A. M. Best :A++等高度評價。
本公司為手機軟體測試及Field Test測試之專業公司。主要的營業項目為接受國內外手機大廠委託,進行手機上市之前的Field Test、MMI(UI)測試及其他相關的軟韌體測試工作。由一群具有豐富測試經驗的工程師帶領,在全世界各地進行Field Test。目前涵蓋的領域範圍有CDMA 2000與GSM,未來將朝向WCDMA、Wi-Max等方向努力。我們的客戶及出差的範圍涵蓋世界各地,除了可至世界各地出差旅行之外,專業知識及能力的培養,也是本公司教育訓練的重點。歡迎對手機測試有興趣以及喜歡以出差或旅行為工作興趣的朋友們,期待您的加入。 Milestones: *2004 Founded in Taichung City, Taiwan. *2005 Focus on CDMA Field Trial. *2006 Established FT dept2. Work on GSM Field Testing. *2007 Company Reorganized and became an Owned Enterprises. Established the SW dept. *2008 Capital Amount of NTD 10,000,000 GCF Observer Member. Cooperated with Cetecom GmbH - Germany.
ANG Investments Inc. is an investment company, specializing in trading publicily-traded equities around the world. We manage our capital with a contrarian as well as long/short approach.
Semitel Electronics is one of the leading suppliers of discrete semiconductor products and passive protective components. We dedicate to providing customer with proprietary product and breakthrough technology in Telecommunications, IT field, power supply and display, consumer electronics and media home applications. Semitel Electronics was founded in Oct. of 2002, but it has deep roots in the microelectronics and functional material based component industry that extend back more than 20 years. Semitel proudly presents its own R&D facilities and intellectual human resources. Semitel has successfully introduced a line of electronic products consisting of Sidac, Diodes, Silicon ESD array (TVS), overvoltage/ overcurrent protectors, GDT, Polymer ESD suppressor, SMD Chip fuse and Power transformer etc……..
Telmar Network Technology is a market leading provider of communications products and services to OEMs, enterprise and network service providers worldwide. For over 40 years, we have delivered compelling communications solutions to help our customers expand and maintain their networks. Our Network Support solutions such as multi-vendor repair, spares management, asset management programs and 24/7 technical assistance, allow service providers and OEMs to streamline their processes, reduce cost and focus critical resource on core business. Our OEM solutions extend the life of the product lines we have acquired by continuing legacy product development, and adding new features and enhancements. Telmar delivers the highest quality Supply solutions such as new and certified pre-owned products, asset disposition & consignment as well as customized logistics & warehousing programs which reduce our customer’s capital and operational spend, without comprising network reliability or performance. Headquartered in Plano, Texas, Telmar has over 800 employees in 14 countries around the world.
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